G&S Discography: Future Plans

This page formerly listed plans for the future, but I have now decided to leave the site alone, except for adding new recordings and correcting errors. Ideas I once considered, but have now rejected, include:

  • Adding biographical sketches of the major artists. The need for this has now been obviated by David Stone's superb site, Who Was Who in the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.
  • Adding detached highlights, vocal gems, etc., from the 78rpm era. A great idea, but an enormous task that should be taken on by someone with more time, enthusiasm, and expertise.
  • Publishing a print or CD-ROM version of the Discography. A friend of mine did some work towards a CD-ROM version (which I was happy to authorize), but he rightly concluded that it would have very few takers, since the on-line version can be accessed more easily, and continues to be updated. I myself considered a print version, but I eventually concluded the effort would be enormous, and probably not sufficiently popular to justify the time it would take.