Happy Songs from Gilbert and Sullivan

Happy House Records C-30
Happy House Records C-30

This record, which I heard about from Bob Lang, is a G&S children's album. Each song is preceded by a short explanation of the circumstances of the operetta and how it fits in. The "Happy Singers and Orchestra" are not identified, but Bob feels that they "really do the songs justice."

I'm not sure how many children got their introduction to G&S from this type of record, but I suppose the producers deserve some credit for trying. Adults will probably find that one listen-through of this album is enough.

Side ASide B
  • We sail the ocean blue
  • Tit-willow
  • Major-General
  • I'm called Little Buttercup
  • March of the Peers
  • A wand'ring minstrel, I
  • Soldiers of the Queen [sic]
  • Three little maids from school
  • Private buffoon
  • Flowers that bloom in the spring
Issue History
196-? Happy House Records Mono LP C-30