The New D'Oyly Carte Mikado Video (1992)

The MikadoDeryck Hamon
Nanki-PooJulian Jensen
Ko-KoFenton Gray
Pooh-BahGary Montaine
Pish-TushTerence Sharpe
Yum-YumLesley Echo Ross
Pitti-SingJanine Roebuck
Peep-BoYvonne Patrick
KatishaJill Pert

Chorus and Orchestra of
the D'Oyly Carte Opera
Conductor: John Owen Edwards

Recorded in 1992 at
The Buxton Opera House

Polygram 0873523
Polygram 0873523

This video of a New D'Oyly Carte stage production was recorded live at the Buxton Opera House and released on home video in the U.S. and U.K.. I have not seen it, but Gerry Howe says that "musically, it is reasonable, but the staging and costumes are appalling."

Mel Moratti added these comments:

This production contains the two verse "Were you not to Ko-Ko Plighted" (now "Were I not to Ko-Ko plighted") and the two verse "Hearts do not break" — the latter always seemed to me never complete. This is sung very movingly by Jill Pert and sends shivers down one's spine. However her costume makes her look like a rather chubby Yoda. The costumes are very 'over the top'. The 15 foot Mikado looks like he would be more at home on a Star Wars set.

Issue History
1992 Polygram VHS PAL 0864643  
1993 Polygram VHS PAL 0873523 Originally sold paired with 1973 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore video, but apparently now available separately