Artist Index

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Tausky, Vilem:
1966 BBC Pirates: Conductor
Taylor, Major D. N.:
1988 Gilbert and Sullivan with Band and Voice: Conductor
Tear, Robert:
1983 Valerie Masterson & Robert Tear Sing Gilbert & Sullivan: Soloist
1985 Here's a How-De-Do! A Gilbert & Sullivan Gala: Soloist
Tegeder, Jerry:
1996 Royal Victorian Opera Eyes and No Eyes: Arlequin
Terfel, Bryn:
1993 Marriner/Philips Yeomen: Wilfred Shadbolt
Terrell, Katherine:
1981 Stratford Festival Pinafore: Josephine
Temperley, Jean:
1988 Gilbert and Sullivan with Band and Voice: Soloist
Te Wiata, Rima:
1997 Essgee Entertainment Pinafore: Little Buttercup (New Zealand)
Thaxton, David:
2004 Chandos Trial: Foreman
Thomann, Tony:
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Phantis
Thomas, Irene:
1966 Michael Sammes Gondoliers: Soloist
Thomas, Marjorie:
1957 Sargent/EMI Mikado: Pitti-Sing
1957 Sargent/EMI Gondoliers: Tessa
1958 Sargent/EMI Yeomen: Phoebe Meryll
1958 Sargent/EMI Pinafore: Hebe
1959 Sargent/EMI Iolanthe: Iolanthe
1961 Sargent/EMI Pirates: Kate
1963 Sargent/EMI Patience: Lady Angela
Thomas, Mary:
1966 Michael Sammes Iolanthe: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Yeomen: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Gondoliers: Soloist
Thompson, J. Lynn:
2000 Ohio Light Opera Princess Ida: Conductor
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Conductor
2003 Ohio Light Opera Grand Duke: Conductor
2007 Ohio Light Opera Gondoliers: Conductor
2008 Ohio Light Opera Mikado: Conductor
Thompson, Mabel:
1932 Civic Light Opera of NY Pirates: Edith
Thomson, Paul:
1987 New Sadler's Wells Pinafore: Bob Becket
Thomson, Peter:
2000 Prince Consort Haddon Hall: Sir George Vernon
Thornton, Edna:
1917 HMV Mikado: Pitti-Sing (part); Katisha
1919 HMV Gondoliers: Duchess of Plaza-Toro; Tessa; Vittoria (part); Inez
1920 HMV Yeomen: Dame Carruthers
1920 HMV Pirates: Ruth
1921 HMV Patience: Lady Jane
1922 HMV Iolanthe: Queen of the Fairies
Thornton, Eric:
1951 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Earl of Mountararat
Thornton, Harry:
1907 HMV Pinafore: Dick Deadeye (part)
1908 Odeon Mikado: Pooh-Bah (part)
Thurlow, Deidree:
1950 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Zorah
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Kate
Tierney, Vivian:
1982 D'Oyly Carte: The Last Night: Soloist
1982 Gilbert & Sullivan's Greatest Hits (Video): Soloist
Tillett, Selwyn:
1995 Mr. George Grossmith's Humorous & Musical Recital: Pianist
1996 The Grossmith Family Album: Pianist
1999 A Society Clown: The Songs of George Grossmith: Pianist
Timmons, Mary:
1982 Prince Consort Emerald Isle: Lady Rosie Pippin
1983 Prince Consort Beauty Stone: Laine
1985 Prince Consort Rose of Persia: The Sultana Zubeydeh; Scent-of-Lillies
1986 Prince Consort Contrabandista: Rita
2000 Prince Consort Haddon Hall: Dorothy Vernon
Tomlin, Caralyn:
1985 Stratford Festival Pirates: Mabel
Torre, Teresa de la:
1987 El Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Tovey, Bramwell:
1994 CBC A Gilbert & Sullivan Gala: Conductor
Tousey, Lynn:
1986 UMGASS Pirates: Isabel
Toye, Geoffrey:
1939 Mikado Film: Conductor
Toye, Jennifer:
1957 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Peep-Bo
1960 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Celia
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Casilda
1961 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Lady Ella
1967 Halas & Batchelor Ruddigore: Zorah
Traubel, Helen:
1960 Bell Telephone Hour Mikado: Katisha
Traynor, Robert:
1993 New D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Second Yeoman
Treleaven, John:
1982 Brent Walker Ruddigore: Richard Dauntless
Trepte, Paul:
1994 That Glorious Song of Old: Conductor
Treves, Frederick:
1966 BBC Sorcerer: Dr. Daly (dialogue)
1966 BBC Pinafore: Captain Corcoran (dialogue)
1966 BBC Patience: Major Murgatroyd (dialogue)
1966 BBC Utopia: Calynx; Mr. Goldbury (dialogue)
Troxell, Barbara:
1954 Allegro-Royale Mikado: Yum-Yum
Truman, Ralph:
1966 BBC Sorcerer: Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre (dialogue)
Tubb, Carrie:
1907 HMV Yeomen: Phoebe Meryll (part)
Tucker, Anita:
1975 Black Mikado: Katisha
Turgeon, Bernard:
1961 Sargent/EMI Trial: Foreman of the Jury
Turner, Alan:
1908 HMV Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter
Turner, Bernard:
1907 Russell Hunting Company Pinafore: Bill Bobstay
Tyler, Tim:
1994 Essgee Entertainment Pirates: Sergeant of Police (Australia)