Artist Index

- E -
Eales, Margaret:
1964 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Kate
1988 Gilbert and Sullivan with Band and Voice: Soloist
Earle, Roderick:
1982 BBC Trial Video: Usher
Eaton, John:
1932 Civic Light Opera of NY Pirates: Sergeant of Police
Eaves, Sylvia:
1966 BBC Iolanthe: Celia (music)
1972 G&S For All Yeomen: Phoebe Meryll
1972 Sullivan: Soloist
Ebigwei, Patricia:
1975 Black Mikado: Yum-Yum
Eddie, Robert:
1988 Opera Australia Mikado: The Mikado
Eddy, Nelson:
1947-1950 Patter Songs from Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
Eddy, Sandra Piques:
2000 Ohio Light Opera Princess Ida: Melissa
Eden, Harold:
1931 Columbia Yeomen: First Yeoman
Edgar-Wilson, Richard:
1999 BBC Music Magazine Rose of Persia: Physician-in-Chief
Edkins, Jay Alden:
1942 Victor Light Opera Company Pinafore: Bill Bobstay
Edmonds, Thomas:
1978 Gilbert and Sullivan Highlights: Soloist
1979 More Highlights from Gilbert & Sullivan: Soloist
1981 South Australia Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw
Edney, Ron:
1978 Rare Recorded Editions Chieftain: Count Vasquez de Gonzago
Edwards, Joan:
1963 Cheam Operatic Society Grand Duke: Julia Jellicoe
Edwards, John Owen:
1992 New D'Oyly Carte Mikado Video: Conductor
1993 New D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Conductor
1995 New D'Oyly Carte Patience: Conductor
2000 New D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Conductor
Egerton, Francis:
1982 Brent Walker Gondoliers: Marco
Egglestone, Anne:
1976 D'Oyly Carte Grand Duke: Gretchen
1977 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giulia
Elburn, Beatrice:
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Peep-Bo
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado BBC Broadcast: Peep-Bo
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Peep-Bo; Pitti-Sing (part)
1927 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Vittoria
1931 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Tessa
1931 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Phoebe Meryll
Elder, Mark:
1993 H.M.S. Gilbert & Sullivan: Conductor
Elliott, Elizabeth:
1991 New D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giulia
Elliott, William:
1981 Joseph Papp's Pirates: Conductor
Elsy, Barbara:
1962 World Record Club Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Ellis, Cecily:
2009 Ohio Light Opera Ruddigore: Rose Maybud
Ellis, Elizabeth:
1989 Opera Australia Gondoliers: Fiametta
Ellis, Emlyn:
1970s Beaufort Opera Ivanhoe: Maurice de Bracy
Ellison, Jon:
1965 D'Oyly Carte Patience Video: Solicitor
1971 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Bill Bobstay
1973 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore Video: Bill Bobstay
1976 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Tarara
1979 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Second Citizen
Elsy, Barbara:
1962 World Record Club Pirates: Edith
Emmanuel, Ivor:
1966 RCA Pirates: Frederic
Emory, Katherine:
1995 Royal Victorian Opera Our Island Home: Mrs. German Reed
Enders, David:
1966 BBC Mikado: Nanki-Poo (dialogue)
1966 BBC Gondoliers: Luiz (dialogue)
Engel, Lehman:
1953 Martyn Green's Gilbert and Sullivan: Coonductor
English, Jon:
1994 Essgee Entertainment Pirates: Pirate King
1995 Essgee Entertainment Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1997 Essgee Entertainment Pinafore: Dick Deadeye
Erlich, Peter:
1984 Der Mikado: Puu-Bah [sic]
Essex, Violet:
1917 HMV Mikado: Yum-Yum (part); Peep-Bo (part); Pitti-Sing (part)
1919 HMV Gondoliers: Casilda (part)
1920 HMV Yeomen: Elsie Maynard
1920 HMV Pirates: Mabel
1921 HMV Patience: Patience
1922 HMV Iolanthe: Phyllis
1922 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Josephine (part)
Evans, Amy:
1907 Pathé Yeomen: Elsie Maynard; Kate
Evans, Geraint:
1957 Sargent/EMI Mikado: Ko-Ko
1957 Sargent/EMI Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1958 Sargent/EMI Yeomen: Jack Point
Evans, Philip Lloyd:
1994 Mackerras/Telarc Pinafore: Bob Becket (part)
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Yeomen: Second/Fourth Yeoman
Evans, Tudor:
1966 RCA Pirates: Pirate King
Evans, Rebecca:
1993 Mackerras/Telarc Pirates: Mabel
1994 Mackerras/Telarc Pinafore: Josephine
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Trial: The Plaintiff
2004 Chandos Trial: The Plaintiff
Evens, Phyllis:
1931 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Fiametta
1932 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Sacharissa
Ewer, Graeme:
1988 Opera Australia Mikado: Ko-Ko
1989 Opera Australia Gondoliers: Duchess of Plaza-Toro
1995 Opera Australia Patience: Duke of Dunstable
Eyre, Marjorie:
1930 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Lady Saphir
1936 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pitti-Sing