Artist Index

- S -
Sabin, Patricia:
1970s Beaufort Opera Ivanhoe: Ulrica
Sachs, Andrew:
1966 BBC Patience: Archibald Grosvenor (dialogue)
Saks, Gidon:
1984 Stratford Festival Mikado: The Mikado
Salsbury, Kathleen:
1965 Los Angeles Savoy-Artes Utopia: Princess Nekaya
Sammes, Michael:
1966 Michael Sammes Pinafore: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Pirates: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Iolanthe: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Mikado: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Yeomen: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Gondoliers: Soloist
Sanders, Geoffrey:
1950 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Antonio
1950 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Second Yeoman
Sanderson, May:
1954 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Yum-Yum
Sandford, Kenneth:
1957 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1957 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Sergeant of Police
1960 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Private Willis
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Don Alhambra
1961 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Archibald Grosvenor
1962 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Sir Despard Murgatroyd
1963 Reader's Digest Pirates: Pirate King
1963 Reader's Digest Iolanthe: Earl of Mountararat
1963 Reader's Digest Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1963 Reader's Digest Gondoliers: Giuseppe
1963 Reader's Digest Patience: Colonel Calverley
1964 D'Oyly Carte Trial: Counsel for the Plaintiff
1964 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Lord Dramaleigh
1964 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: Phantis
1964 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Wilfred Shadbolt
1965 D'Oyly Carte Ida: King Hildebrand
1965 D'Oyly Carte Patience Video: Archibald Grosvenor
1965 A Gilbert and Sullivan Spectacular: Pooh-Bah (excerpts)
1966 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Pooh-Bah
1967 Halas & Batchelor Ruddigore: Sir Despard Murgatroyd
1970 Songs and Snatches: Soloist
1973 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1974 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Private Willis
1975 D'Oyly Carte Trial: Usher
1976 D'Oyly Carte Grand Duke: Ludwig
1976 D'Oyly Carte Utopia: King Paramount
1977 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Don Alhambra
1978 D'Oyly Carte Zoo: Thomas Brown
1979 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Wilfred Shadbolt
1982 D'Oyly Carte: The Last Night: Soloist
1995 The Best of G&S: Soloist
Sandison, Gordon:
1982 Brent Walker Pinafore: Bill Bobstay
1982 Brent Walker Mikado: Pish-Tush
1982 BBC Trial Video: The Learned Judge
1987 New Sadler's Wells Pinafore: Captain Corcoran
1987 New Sadler's Wells Ruddigore: Robin Oakapple
2000 New D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter
Sanford, Harold:
1939 NBC TV Pirates: Conductor
1939 NBC TV Pinafore: Conductor
Sansom, Mary:
1960 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Phyllis
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Gianetta
1961 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Patience
1962 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Zorah
Sargent, Barbara:
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Thespis: Daphne
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Zoo: Lætitia
Sargent, Malcolm:
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Thespis: Jupiter
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Zoo: Thomas Brown
Sargent, Sir Malcolm:
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado BBC Broadcast: Conductor
1929 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Conductor
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Conductor
1930 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Conductor
1929 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Conductor
1930 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Conductor
1931 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Conductor
1931 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Conductor
1931 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Conductor
1931 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Conductor
1932 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Conductor
1951 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Conductor
1957 Sargent/EMI Mikado: Conductor
1958 Sargent/EMI Yeomen: Conductor
1958 Sargent/EMI Pinafore: Conductor
1959 Sargent/EMI Iolanthe: Conductor
1959 Sargent/EMI Gondoliers: Conductor
1959 Gilbert and Sullivan Overtures: Conductor
1961 More Gilbert and Sullivan Overtures: Conductor
1961 Sargent/EMI Trial: Conductor
1961 Sargent/EMI Pirates: Conductor
1962 Sargent/EMI Patience: Conductor
1963 Sargent/EMI Ruddigore: Conductor
1964 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Conductor
1965 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Conductor
1965 A Gilbert and Sullivan Spectacular: Conductor
Sarti, Laura:
1966 BBC Grand Duke: Julia Jellicoe
Savarino, Damian:
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Lord Dramaleigh
Savarina, Tara Bowers:
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Salata
Savidge, Peter:
1982 Brent Walker Ida: Guron
1982 Brent Walker Yeomen: Sir Richard Cholmondely
1982 Brent Walker Gondoliers: Antonio
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Trial: Counsel for the Plaintiff
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Yeomen: Sir Richard Cholmondely
Scales, Prunella:
1966 BBC Patience: Patience (dialogue)
1966 BBC Princess Ida: Princess Ida (dialogue)
Scally, Ray:
English Heritage Singers: Soloist
Schade, Michael:
1994 Mackerras/Telarc Pinafore: Ralph Rackstraw
Schadow, Nicholas:
1986 Royal Victorian Opera A Sensation Novel: The Spirit of Romance
Schon, Kenneth:
1942 Victor Light Opera Company Pinafore: Dick Deadeye
Schoonmaker-Rodgers, Jane:
1986 UMGASS Pirates: Mabel
Schukis, Vanessa:
1996 Royal Victorian Opera No Cards: Mrs. Pennythorne
Scheibl, Rene:
1984 Der Mikado: Pisch-Tusch [sic]
Scodari, Marion:
1963 Lyric Theater Company Utopia: Princess Zara
1965 Lyric Theater Company Grand Duke: Lisa
Scott, Carol:
1964 Lyric Theater Company Mountebanks: Teresa
Scott, Derek:
1965 Los Angeles Savoy-Artes Utopia: Lord Dramaleigh
Seabourne, Jr., John:
1972 G&S For All Pinafore: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Yeomen: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Gondoliers: Film Director
Seabourne, Peter:
1972 G&S For All Trial: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Pirates: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Iolanthe: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Mikado: Film Director
1972 G&S For All Ruddigore: Film Director
Seymour, Valerie:
1994 Mackerras/Telarc Pinafore: Hebe
Sharp, Eileen:
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Mad Margaret
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Melissa
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Sacharissa
Sharp, John:
1966 BBC Grand Duke: Ludwig (dialogue)
Sharpe, Ivan:
1999 BBC Music Magazine Rose of Persia: Yassur
2001 Carl Rosa Opera Mikado: Nanmki-Poo
Sharpe, Terence:
1992 New D'Oyly Carte Mikado Video: Pish-Tush
1993 New D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Sergeant Meryll
Shaw, Clifton:
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Thespis: Tipseion
Shaw, John:
1963 Sargent/EMI Patience: Colonel Calverley
Shaw, Marcie:
1981 Joseph Papp's Pirates: Kate (recording)
Sheffield, Leo:
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ruddigore: Sir Despard Murgatroyd
1924 D'Oyly Carte Ida: King Hildebrand
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado Film: Pooh-Bah
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado BBC Broadcast: Pooh-Bah
1926 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pooh-Bah
1927 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Don Alhambra
1927 D'Oyly Carte Trial: The Learned Judge
1929 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Sergeant of Police
1928 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Wilfred Shadbolt
Sheffler, Breanna:
2003 Ohio Light Opera Grand Duke: Martha
Shean, Bev:
1994 Essgee Entertainment Pirates: Ruth (New Zealand)
1995 Essgee Entertainment Mikado: Katisha
Shelford, Vera:
1963 St. Alban's Rose of Persia: Dancing Sunbeam
Shelley, Julia:
1966 RCA Pirates: Mabel
Shilling, Eric
1962 Sadler's Wells Iolanthe: Lord Chancellor
1966 BBC Sorcerer: John Wellington Wells (music)
1966 BBC Utopia: Phantis (music)
1974 Granada television Trial: The Learned Judge
1982 Brent Walker Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1989 BBC Trial: The Learned Judge
1989 BBC Sorcerer: Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre
1989 BBC Pirates: Pirate King
1989 BBC Patience: Colonel Calverley
1989 BBC Iolanthe: Earl of Mountararat
1989 BBC Ruddigore: Sir Despard Murgatroyd
1989 BBC Yeomen: Sergeant Meryll
1989 BBC Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1989 BBC Utopia: Phantis
1989 BBC Grand Duke: Ludwig
1993 H.M.S. Gilbert & Sullivan: Soloist
Short, Howard:
1957 D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Samuel
Shovelton, Geoffrey
1977 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Luiz
1978 D'Oyly Carte Cox & Box: Box
1978 D'Oyly Carte Zoo: Narrator
1979 D'Oyly Carte Yeomen: Colonel Fairfax
1982 D'Oyly Carte: The Last Night: Soloist
1982 Gilbert & Sullivan's Greatest Hits (Video): Soloist
1995 The Best of G&S: Soloist
Simmonds, Arlene:
2003 Ohio Light Opera Grand Duke: Olga
Simmonds, Paul:
1970s Pearl/Cheam Operatic Society Grand Duke: Ernest Dummkopf
Sinclair, Alan:
1965 Los Angeles Savoy-Artes Utopia: Calynx
Sinclair, Elsa:
1907 HMV Pinafore: Josephine; Hebe (part)
1908 Odeon Mikado: Yum-Yum
Sinclair, Jeannette:
1966 BBC Sorcerer: Aline (music)
1966 BBC Pinafore: Josephine (music)
1957 Sargent/EMI Mikado: Peep-Bo
1966 BBC Princess Ida: Princess Ida (music)
Sinclair, Monica:
1957 Sargent/EMI Mikado: Katisha
1957 Sargent/EMI Gondoliers: Duchess of Plaza-Toro
1958 Sargent/EMI Yeomen: Dame Carruthers
1958 Sargent/EMI Pinafore: Little Buttercup
1959 Sargent/EMI Iolanthe: Queen of the Fairies
1961 Sargent/EMI Pirates: Ruth
1963 Sargent/EMI Patience: Lady Jane
1963 Sargent/EMI Ruddigore: Dame Hannah
1966 BBC Princess Ida: Lady Blanche (music)
1966 BBC Ruddigore: Dame Hannah (music)
1966 BBC Yeomen: Dame Carruthers (music)
Skidmore, Karen:
1984 Stratford Festival Mikado: Peep-Bo
1985 Stratford Festival Pirates: Kate
1986 Stratford Festival Gondoliers: Tessa
1988 Stratford Festival Iolanthe: Leila
Skillman, Lee:
1963 St. Alban's Rose of Persia: Conductor
Skitch, Jeffrey:
1953 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Dr. Daly
1954 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Pish-Tush
1955 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Florian
1960 D'Oyly Carte Pinafore: Captain Corcoran
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Luiz
1965 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Florian
Sladen, Victoria:
1955 D'Oyly Carte Ida: Princess Ida
Smart, Jinty:
1982 Prince Consort Emerald Isle: Countess of Newtown
Smart, Maxwell:
1982 Prince Consort Emerald Isle: Dr. Fiddle, D.D.
1985 Prince Consort Rose of Persia: The Physician-in-Chief
2000 Prince Consort Haddon Hall: The McCrankie
Smedley, Michael:
1999 The Masque at Kenilworth: Conductor
Smith, Marilyn Hill:
1982 BBC Trial Video: The Plaintiff
1987 New Sadler's Wells Ruddigore: Rose Maybud
1989 BBC Patience: Lady Ella
1989 BBC Iolanthe: Phyllis
1989 BBC Gondoliers: Casilda
1989 BBC Grand Duke: Julia Jellicoe
1990 New D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Mabel
1999 BBC Music Magazine Rose of Persia: Scent-of-Lillies
Smith, Ben:
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Sir Bailey Barre
Smith, Chad:
1994 Royal Victorian Opera Happy Arcadia: Strephon
Smith, Elaine:
1994 Royal Victorian Opera Happy Arcadia: Music Director
1995 Royal Victorian Opera Our Island Home: Music Director
Smith, Rex:
1981 Joseph Papp's Pirates: Frederic
Smith, Simon Masterton:
1990 New D'Oyly Carte Pirates: Sergeant of Police
Smythe, Russell:
1982 Brent Walker Cox & Box: Cox
Snow, Harlan C.:
1964 Lyric Theater Company Mountebanks: Risotto
Sorenson, Kari:
2005 Ohio Light opera Sorcerer: Constance
Sosman, Eric:
1987 Royal Victorian Opera Ages Ago: Steward
1992 Royal Victorian Opera Mountebanks: Pietro
Sowden, John:
1970s Pearl/Cheam Operatic Society Grand Duke: Ludwig
Speight, Tiffany:
2005 Opera Australia Pinafore: Josephine
Spektor, Mira:
1972 Concert Hall Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Spence, Toby:
2009 Chandos Ivanhoe: Wilfred, Knight of Ivanhoe
Spencer, Roderick:
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Thespis: Conductor
1972 Fulham Light Operatic Society Zoo: Conductor
Spice, Michael:
1966 BBC Yeomen: Leonard Meryll (dialogue)
1966 BBC Grand Duke: Dr. Tannhäuser (dialogue)
Squires, Shelagh:
1982 Brent Walker Patience: Lady Saphir
Staples, Andrew:
2009 Chandos Ivanhoe: Locksley, De Bracy's Squire
Stanhope, David:
1995 Opera Australia Patience: Conductor
Stear, Margaret:
1963 St. Alban's Rose of Persia: Heart's Desire
Stear, Ronald:
1927 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giorgio
Steele, Tommy:
1978 City of London Festival Yeomen Video: Jack Point
Steigen, Erik:
1996 Royal Victorian Opera Eyes and No Eyes: Pierrot
Stephens, Madge:
1966 Michael Sammes Pinafore: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Pirates: Soloist
1966 Michael Sammes Mikado: Soloist
Stephens, Pamela Helen:
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Yeomen: Phoebe Meryll
Stern, Eric:
1973 UMGASS Grand Duke: Conductor
Stevens, Pauline:
1962 World Record Club Mikado: Peep-Bo
Stevenson, Richard:
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Calynx
Stewart, Catherine:
1931 Columbia Iolanthe: Leila
Stewart, John:
1982 Brent Walker Mikado: Nanki-Poo
1984 Stratford Festival Mikado: Pish-Tush
Stewart, Michael:
1959 A Child's Introduction to Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
Stewart, Scilla:
English Heritage Singers: Pianist
Stinson, Jonathan:
2003 Ohio Light Opera Yeomen: Lieutenant
2003 Ohio Light Opera Grand Duke: Herald
Stockmann, James:
1954 Allegro-Royale Mikado: Pish-Tush
Stokes, Leonard:
1950s All Goodman Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter; Bob Becket
1959 A Child's Introduction to Gilbert and Sullivan: Soloist
Straud, Gregory:
1939 Mikado Film: Pish-Tush
Strauss-Smith, Lloyd:
1966 BBC Sorcerer: Alexis Pointdextre (music)
Streit, Kurt:
1993 Marriner/Philips Yeomen: Colonel Fairfax
Struhs, William:
1963 Lyric Theater Company Utopia: Captain Sir Edward Corcoran
Studholme Marion:
1962 Sadler's Wells Opera Mikado: Yum-Yum
1974 Gilbert & Sullivan Spectacular: Soloist
Styler, Alan:
1950 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giuseppe
1950 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pish-Tush
1951 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Strephon
1951 D'Oyly Carte Patience: Archibald Grosvenor
1951 BBC Broadcast Mikado: Pish-Tush
1957 D'Oyly Carte Mikado: Pish-Tush
1960 D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Strephon
1961 D'Oyly Carte Cox & Box: Cox
1961 D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Giuseppe
1966 D'Oyly Carte Sorcerer: Dr. Daly
1965 A Gilbert and Sullivan Spectacular: Captain Corcoran (excerpts)
Suart, Richard:
1991 New D'Oyly Carte Gondoliers: Duke of Plaza-Toro
1991 New D'Oyly Carte Iolanthe: Lord Chancellor
1992 Mackerras/Telarc Mikado: Ko-Ko
1993 Mackerras/Telarc Pirates: Major-General Stanley
1994 Mackerras/Telarc Pinafore: Sir Joseph Porter
1994 CBC A Gilbert & Sullivan Gala: Soloist
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Trial: The Learned Judge
1995 Mackerras/Telarc Yeomen: Jack Point
1999 BBC Music Magazine Rose of Persia: Hassan
Summers, Julian:
1966 BBC Pinafore: Dick Deadeye (music)
1966 BBC Ruddigore: Sir Roderic Murgatroyd (dialogue)
1966 BBC Yeomen: Sergeant Meryll (dialogue)
Summerscales, Phillip:
1974 BBC Yeomen Video: 2nd Yeoman
1989 BBC Ruddigore: Old Adam
Sumners, John:
2003 Ohio Light Opera Yeomen: Leonard Meryll
Sunderland, Lisa:
1965 Lyric Theater Company Grand Duke: Gretchen
Sutherland, Charles:
1973 UMGASS Grand Duke: Dr. Tannhäuser
Swanson, Christopher:
2000 Ohio Light Opera Princess Ida: Cyril
2001 Ohio Light Opera Utopia, Limited: Mr. Blushington
Sweeting, Sarah:
2001 Carl Rosa Opera Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Sweetland, Sally:
1958 Al Goodman Mikado: Pitti-Sing
Sylvan, Sanford:
1984 Sweethearts: Soloist